
Showing posts from June, 2011

Old Mutual in R3bn development that will house its SA HQ

Property as an investment option


Rate increases loom as inflation quickens - Economic trends

All housing sectors affected by recession - but estate

Standard Bank expects to payout over R50bn in new loans

Buying or selling property?

Homeownership: Rent or buy

Property market remains conducive to new home buyers

Realestateweb - Property Loan Stocks deliver performance - Investment insights - South Africa's fastest-growing property website

Wendy Machanik reapplies for a Fidelity Fund Certificate

What motivates an Estate Agent’s selection of a Conveyancer???

Significant improvement in residential building activity

REALTOR® Magazine-Daily News-Signs of a Real Estate Recovery?

Where will the smart money in property be going in the next twelve months?

Growthpoint, PIC concludes V&A Waterfront deal - Commercial - South Africa

Sectional Title Amendment Act has useful changes

2012 - 2013 likely to see property recovery

Health returning to industrial property

First time buyers set to dominate sales

Time to make like China, learn from US successes

Property investment: disproving the conventional wisdom of "high risk, high return"

Far reaching judgement may cause upsets for property sales

Property deals cannot be exited after offer is accepted

Taking care of your biggest investment - Wealth Building | Moneyweb